Who’s who?
The Trade Page
This is where we invite our clients to advertise their services. In some cases you may find discounts here or preferential deals, so take a look. If you wish to add your business details please email us and we will send out our standard proforma of information required.
Property Manager UK
PMUK are a family run Company that, since 2002, manage private blocks of flats and estates throughout the South East. Our developments range in size from a converted Victorian house with four flats, to large, multi-block estates with over three hundred units.
- Provision of time agreed financial statements
- Preparation of service charge budgets
- Collection of service charges and ground rents
- Full accounting service and liaison with auditors
- Provision of service contracts
- Ensuring compliance with lease covenants
- Company secretarial duties
- Maintaining the statutory registers and filing statutory information
- Complete maintenance service packages
- ull range of advice on management issues
Telephone: 01322 314 990
Email: admin@pm-uk.com
Website: www.pm-uk.com
Address: PMUK, The Base , Dartford Business Park, Victoria Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 5FS.

Solaris Life Therapy
Hello! I’m Tony Buton, please contact me to arrange a free no obligation initial consultation. I have worked in Psychotherapy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy since 1984.
I practice in Sevenoaks, Kent and at Harley Street in London. I will always take your call personally and if I am unavailable when you call then please leave a message with your name and a contact number, I will call you back at the first opportunity.
Telephone: 01732 760 918
Email: tbsolaris@gmail.com
Website: solarislifetherapy.com